Saturday, February 18, 2012

Athena's Shrug (with optional thumbholes)

Yarn: my handspun, DK/worsted (~10 WPI) *this yarn won 2nd place at the Humboldt County Fair 2011!*
Needles: US 9s and 10.5s, circulars or DPNs
Gauge: with 10.5s, ~15 sts = 4”

With US 9s, CO 44 sts (~10”)
Join in the round and K 2 rows
Change to US 10.5s
K1, K2tog, K until 3 sts rem, SSK, K1 (42 sts)
K2 rows,
K1, K2tog, K until 3 sts rem, SSK, K1 (40 sts)
K2 rows,
K1, K2tog, K until 3 sts rem, SSK, K1 (38 sts)
K2 rows,
K1, K2tog, K until 3 sts rem, SSK, K1 (36 sts)

Optional Thumb Hole:
(If you opt out, continue to st st in the round when the pattern says to turn and P, but include the shaping below.)
Turn, sl1 (P-wise), P all sts.
Turn, sl1 (P-wise WYIB), K all sts.
Turn, sl1, P all sts.
Turn, sl1 WYIB, K2tog, K until 3 sts rem, SSK, K1 (34 sts)
Turn, sl1, P all sts.
Turn, sl1 WYIB, K all sts.
Turn, sl1, P all sts.
Turn, sl1 WYIB, K2tog, K until 3 sts rem, SSK, K1 (32 sts)

Join in the round and K 1 row.
K1, K2tog, K until 3 sts rem, SSK, K1 (30 sts)
K 2 rows

Increase row: K1, M1R… M1L, K1 (32 sts)
K 21 rows (8” from beg.)

More pattern to come! I'll post it as soon as I knit it. : )

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